What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, associated with a greater susceptibility of the mind to suggestion. Sometimes used in alternative medicine and psychology. It is used both in clinical practice and in diagnosis. Its therapeutic values were recognized by a group of scientists. Clinical and experimental study of hypnotic phenomena is carried out in many countries. Although it is still not able to precisely define the phenomenon of hypnosis. Its name is derived from the Greek (Hipnos) and it means 'sleep'. It does not seem to have much in common with it, nor with meditation which is often compared to hypnosis. During the whole process brain is stimulated and "attacked" with specific waves: delta, theta, alpha and even beta. Hypnosis is sometimes tied to the state of deep relaxation, but states similar to it everyone experience during everyday activities, such as work or concentration. The most important thing when it comes to this specific process is a mutual trust between the hypnotist and the patient. Answer the question "what exactly is it?" to be expected on the part of psychologists conducted research.

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