niedziela, 22 czerwca 2014

How to hypnotize

Did you ever thought about starting hypnosis lessons? It does sounds pretty exciting, isn't it? Like some kind of magic. Like everything in our life - to be a master you need to practise a lot, read a lot and practise even more. There is plenty of techniques around the internet, a lot of programs, some of them you can even find on this website. Let's start with short first lesson.
hypnotize how to

Do you have someone to sart with? You better find a brave person!
Start with conversation - ask what hypnosis is for this person, ask about doubts. Tell what you require - ask for full concentration and focus on your voice. The person that mesmerizes should remain passive, uncritical of what you say. Make sure she or he focuses only on your voice and your feelings. Time to have any objections and questions comes after seance.

After short conversation take person you want to hypnotize, let her feel comfortable and calm. Ask her to stay in designated place. Your show begins now.

Place your hand opposite to the hypnotized person forehead. Start speaking and making suggestions.
You may come with your own ideas what to say. The longer you practise the best you will discover what words work best.
Start for example with this:
"Concentrate on my forefinger,
your eyes are becoming heavier, 
hypnosis techniques
you feel tired, more and more tired,
you feel like your eyes are closing, you can't resist.
Now i start  to bring my forefinger closer to your forehead, and when the finger touches it, your eyes will be closed and body will be relaxed. 
Your eyes are closing, eyelids are heavier every second.
Your eyes close up.
Close your eyes and relax.
Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
You hear only my voice, and think only about my words, everything else don't exist anymore.
Now imagine yourself on the meadow. Feel this. Feel every blade of grass. Smell it.
Nature inspires you.
Now i count to ten, and you stay with this imagination. 1,2 relax, 3, calm, 4,5 deeper into yourself, 6,7,8, peacfully and slowly breathing, 9 and 10. 
Imagine that you are a tree. Wind peacefully moves your branches and leafs. Birds are singing and flying over your head. Focus on my voice. Wind starts to become stronger! Your body moves in every direction(Person may start moving like he/she is a tree - that wound be perfect). 
Wind begins to fade out.
You stay calmly.
Focus on your right hand which is very very light.Like it was a feather.
Your hand starts rising. It is filled with air, with helium.
Now sit down (on a chair you prepared a while ago), relax, you are calm and relaxed.
Every part of you are becoming heavier. You are made of iron, heavy like a stone.
You cannot move.
Relax and when i count to five you will be able to move, waking up, and you will feel fully rested"
Start counting to five.
That's it.
hypnotize someone

You can use other suggestions, modify this technique. This one is a standard but it takes time and practise to learn it.
Be sure your voice remains gentle during the session. Voice is the most important part.

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